Sunday, October 29, 2006

Another path

To bring a bit more order to the completed section of the allotment, I've started on the path dividing the rhubarb patch from the flower bed. Trouble is, there aren't enough decent bricks so I'm going to have to use lots of scrappy half-bricks or go scrounging. I know a few building sites that have them scattered around on the pavement, so I'll maybe look there.

There are a few new shoots coming up from the rhubarb, which I'm slightly concerned about. Hopefully they'll stay under the mulch until the frosts have past. Maybe I applied the mulch too early and have stimulated growth.

I also cleared more of the patio, which is pretty wide as well. It'll be excellent to sit out here in the summer.

I got some more pallets from around the area and have dismembered them, ready to build the other side of the shed wall. They're drying now in preparation for the preservative.

As I took these photos on a weekday, I was burning some of the junk wood (you can't burn at the weekend so as not to bother the tenements around the allotments). Previous tenants left a tea urn that was used as a water butt (I think it may have also supplied the sink with running water). I'm using it as a brazier just now.

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