Monday, October 09, 2006

My New Allotment

The half plot on the right of the path is my new plot at
New Victoria Gardens
(number 65B). I got it yesterday and did some digging over. I trimmed the hedge and cut back a small section, under which I found a rhubarb patch and a half-hearted compost heap. The rhubarb patch is restored and filled with bulbs I found while digging over. I'll take a photo of that for another post. This post is about the before.

In that vein, here are two more views of my side of the plot.

The decrepit shed is the first task. If I slog away digging up all the grass, etc. I'll just have lots of bare earth that will lose a lot of nutrients over the winter. My plan is to get the tarpaulin from the shed and cover the ground as I dig, which will supress any new weeds and keep nutrients in. There are a few shrubs that I'm going to rip out too.

I think I'm going to take the shed back to two sections on the right (removing 60% of it), if you see what I mean. Maybe I'll leave three, let's see. Here's the view to the other end from the shed. I've tried to disguise the bit of work I've done, just to demonstrate how it looks.

Every allotment has to have a gate in good repair with its number on it. The one I share with my neigbour (who is also a first-time allotment holder) is pretty rickety.

Once I've battered the shed into submission, I'm going to sort that out. Finally, two views of my neighbours' plot, to show you what they are up against.

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