Friday, October 20, 2006


Here is the rough plan for the allotment.

The flowers are going to be more or less permanent, as part of the conditions of letting the allotment (there's a reason the site is called New Victoria Gardens). The strawberries probably won't occupy that whole bed either. Raspberries might also go in there.

I'm planning to train the apples and pears in cordons. It's more of an experiment than anything else, but one that will result in lots of fruit. Cordons are the best choice for allotments really. There are a few apple trees around the site, but they are quite small and I'm wondering what will happen when they start to grow too tall for convenient picking. I did have grand schemes for an espalier or even an palmette verrier, but the back wall turned out to be a rickety collection of wire and old doors cobbled together into a barrier, not a wall after all. One day I may have a more substantial wall to practise on.

The Hidden Gardens has a plot where they bring volunteers for gardening lessons and the like once a week. They are attempting espaliers there, using big posts and wires. I'll maybe take a photo of that to show the progress too.

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