Saturday, March 10, 2007

New compost bin

The compost bin is absolutely overflowing and I can't get anything else into it. This photo from the back doesn't do it any justice. I'll get another of the front because I forgot this time. That's over six feet of organic waste from just my side of the plot.

You can see where I've started the new compost bin round the back of the old one. It's got a moderate amount of new material in it and a little bit of existing compost to start it off.

I've got only one pallet for it so far and even if I had another one, I couldn't get it in because of all the scrap wood i've stuffed down the side there. I'm going to buzz-saw that up next week.

The main problem with the new bin is that the path to get to it is mainly a border filled with ferns. I have to cross into the neighbouring plot to get to it sometimes. And to get to that path I have to go through a weed-infested border on my side. So, once I'd sorted out the nursery bed, which made up half of the weedy border, I put in some stones to start a path round to the compost area. It looks rubbish now, because it is, but I'll level them and fill the gaps with herbs and the like.

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