Saturday, March 10, 2007


Spring is almost here (I think it is here, but never mind). The flower bed is filling with the transplanted daffodils from the rest of the plot, though some are still dotted randomly in the other beds.

There are certainly enough flowers to last us through the spring. I planted garlic a few weeks back and it's coming on nicely. It's next to the raspberries. I'm working on the theory that the garlic will keep harmful insects away from the raspberries, but should use marigolds instead as they are better known for that. It's a bit of an experiment (more on experimentation later).

The snowdrops from Burton Agnes have settled well and have fat seeds pods, which is good news for future snowdrops under the hedge. The smaller ones in the photo are from the compost heap on the allotment and are a bit further behind. No seeds from them either, by the look of it.

Check out the buds on the hedge. It won't be long until the leaves are out.

The last set of photos show the rhubarb bed. This little patch is looking pretty good. I'll probably split it come the autumn and fill any gaps in the rest of the bed.

You can see that this patch is much further on than the others. There are quite a few buds breaking out, but not throughout the bed. I think the hedge maybe suppressed some growth; with it modified and more simpathetic (privet is less forgiving than hawthorn) things should get better.

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