Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A bit of bashing

The final push on the digging is to clear space for raspberries and apples (which I'm going to put on a cordon). While Laura was doing the path edging (see below) I cleared the section for the raspberries in record time. Company seems to make me focus a bit better, there' no doubt about it. With my neighbour there too, I had double the incentive.

So, everything was ready for putting in the posts for the raspberry supports. I borrowed a set of step ladders and while Laura held the posts level I bashed them in.

The sudden extra height in the plot makes it much more interesting. It feels slightly different now that something so noticeable has been added. We didn't have time to add the wires on and it's been too frosty to get onto the border since, so that's for next week.

There was just time to put the raspberries into a trench filled with compost. This was from the back of the shed and is excellent stuff. It'll be sad to see it go. The raspberries are 'Glen Prosen' given to us by Uncle Andrew.

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