I pricked out a few brassica seedlings and put them in individual modules. you can see them on the bench in the photo below. The mass of seedlings at the back are the ones I didn't prick out. I'm going to give them away at the swap day in a few weeks, as well as save some just in case.

You can see my sweetpea seedlings at the front-left and salad seedlings at the back-left. One of the nicest surprises was to see the sweetpeas I'd planted in the open ground next to the raspberry posts have germinated. I really stamped the ground there, so I'm very happy they are managing.

Laura sowed freesia and hop seeds two days ago and we've got herbs seeds sown, as well as a couple of courgette seeds for in a tub, tomatoes, chillies and sunflowers. I also have some thyme seedlings, which I'm quite proud of.
1 comment:
How the hop seeds going?
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